College of Business Administration, Ritsumeikan University

ACCTG 580 | Positive Accounting Theory

Course Information

この講義は,一般的な実証研究入門(intruduction to empirical research),特に実証理論としての会計研究(positive accounting theory research)に入門を提供する。 まず,実証研究の計画と実行で考えなければならない基本的な研究デザイン問題を探求する。 次に,実証的会計研究の領域の実証論文を分析し,評価する。 実証理論は会計実務を説明し予想しようとする。 これは,会計方針の選択や会計規制の帰結を評価する際に有用となりうる。


  • 実証研究を計画/実行する際に適用されるフレームワークの構築を促進させる。
  • 実証会計研究の主要領域を厳密に分析し,批判するための機会を提供する。
  • 実証会計研究のアイディアを作り出し,評価する手助けをする。

松浦が現在,University of Washington, Foster School of BusinessのPh.D.コースで受講している講義を紹介しています。 シラバスやリーディングリストは個人利用のみでお願いいたします。

Text and Study Guide

Cook, T. and D. Campbell, 1979, Quasi-Experimentation: Design & Analysis Issues for Field Settings, Boston: Houghton Mifflin.
Watts, R. and J. Zimmerman, 1986, Positive Accounting Theory, New Jersey: Prentice Hall.

Date and Contents
第1回 Organization
Leedy and Ormand, 2001, Practical Research: Planning and Design, Seventh Edition, Merrill Prentice Hall, pp. 39-40, 122-139.
Demski, J.S. and J.L. Zimmerman, “On research vs. teaching”: A long-term perspective. Accounting Horizons, 14, 3. (September 2000): 343-353
第2回 Introduction to Empirical Research
Herzog, T., 1996, Research Methods in the Social Sciences, New Jersey: Prentice Hall, Chapters 1-2.
Kinney, W. 1986, “Empirical Accounting Research Design for Ph.D. students,” The Accounting Review 61(2): 338-350.
第3回 Causation and Ecperiments
Cook and Campbell, Chapters 1-2.
Burgstahler, D., 1987, “Inference from Empirical Research,” The Accounting Review, January, 203-214.
第4回 Quasi-Experiments
Cook and Campbell, Chapter 3.
Example paper: Chen and Matsumoto (2006) JAR
第5回 Positive Accounting Theory
Watts and Zimmerman: Chapters 1-3, 4 (pp. 71-77, 108-110),
Watts, R. L., and J. L. Zimmerman. “The Demand For and Supply of Accounting Theories: The Market for Excuses.”The Accounting Review 52, 3 (April 1979): 273-305
Friedman, M. “The Methodology of Positive Economics” Essays in Positive Economics, University of Chicago Press, 1953: 3-43.
第6回 Contracting Theory
Watts and Zimmerman: Chapter 7, 8, 9 (pp. 200-217, 220-221), and 10 (pp. 222-239, 242-243).
Jensen, M.C and W.H. Meckling, “Theory of the Firm: Managerial Behavior, Agency Costs, and Ownership Structure,” Journal of Financial Economics 3,4 (October 1976): 305-360.
第7回 Contracting Theory – Accounting applications
Holthausen, R. W. and R. W. Leftwich, "The Economic Consequences of Accounting Choice", Journal of Accounting and Economics 5 (1983) 77-117.
Kachelmeier, S., 2004, “Reviewing the Review Process,” Journal of American Taxation Association, Supplement, 143-154.
Review paper to be distributed
第8回 Positive Theory and Accounting Method Choice
Zmijewski, M. and R. Hagerman, 1981, “An Income Strategy Approach to the Positive Theory of Accounting Standard Setting/Choice,” Journal of Accounting and Economics, August, 129-149.
Bowen, R., L. DuCharme, and D. Shores, 1995, “Stakeholders’ Implicit Claims and Accounting Method Choice,” Journal of Accounting and Economics, December, 255-295.
第9回 Earnings Management through Discretionary Accruals
McNichols, M., 2000, “Research Design Issues in Earnings Management Studies,” Journal of Accounting and Public Policy, 19, 313-345.
Dechow, P., R. Sloan, and A. Sweeney, 1995, “Detecting Earnings Management,” The Accounting Review, April, 193-225.
Jones, J., 1991, “Earnings Management During Import Relief Investigations,” Journal of Accounting Research, Autumn, 193-228. (background reading only)
第10回 Discretionary Accruals – Methodology Issues
Collins, D.W., and P. Hribar. 2002. “Errors in estimating accruals: Implications for empirical research,” Journal of Accounting Research 40, 1:105-134
Kothari, S.P., A. Leone, and C. Wasley, 2005, “Performance Matched Discretionary Accrual Measures,” Journal of Accounting and Economics, 39, 163-197.
第11回 Earnings Management – Distributional Evidence
Burgstahler, D. and I. Dichev, 1997, “Earnings Management to Avoid Earnings Decreases and Losses,” Journal of Accounting and Economics, 24, 99-126.
Durtschi, C. and P. Easton, 2005, “Earnings Management? The Shapes of the Frequency Distributions of Earnings Metrics Are Not Evidence Ipso Facto,” Journal of Accounting Research, September, 557-593.
Paper Review Due
第12回 Earnings Quality
Dechow, P., Dichev, I., 2002. “The Quality of Accruals and Earnings.” The Accounting Review 77, 35-59.
McNichols, M. 2002. “Discussion of The Quality of Accruals and Earnings: The Role of Accrual Estimation Errors.” The Accounting Review 77(s-1 ): 61-69 (background reading only).
Doyle, Jeffrey, Weili Ge, and Sarah McVay , 2007, “Accruals Quality and Internal Control over Financial Reporting.” The Accounting Review 82 (5).
第13回 Why Earnings Matter—The Debt Argument
Smith, C. and J. Warner, 1979, “On Financial Contracting: An Analysis of Bond Covenants,” Journal of Financial Economics, June, 117-161.
Leftwich, R., 1983, “Accounting Information in Private Markets: Evidence from Private Lending Agreements,” The Accounting Review, January, 23-42.
第14回 The Debt Argument --more recent evidence
Dichev, I. And D. Skinner, 2002, “Large-Sample Evidence on the Debt Covenant Hypothesis,” Journal of Accounting Research, September, 1091-1123.
Demerjian, P., 2011, “Accounting standards and debt covenants: Has the “balance sheet approach” led to a decline in the use of balance sheet covenants,” Journal of Accounting and Economics, 52 (2-3): 178-202.
One-page project proposal due
第15回 Project Proposal Presentations
Project Proposal Presentations
第16回 Why Earnings Matter --The Compensation Argument
Healy, P., 1985, “The Effect of Bonus Schemes on Accounting Decisions,” Journal of Accounting and Economics, April, 85-107.
Holthausen, R., D. Larcker, and R. Sloan, 1995, “Annual Bonus Schemes and the Manipulation of Earnings,” Journal of Accounting and Economics, 19, 29-74.
第17回 The Compensation Argument --more recent evidence
Cheng, Q. and T. Warfield, 2005, “Equity Incentives and Earnings Management,” The Accounting Review, April, 441-477.
Bartov, E. and P. Mohanram, 2004, “Private Information, Earnings Manipulations, and Executive Stock Option Exercises,” The Accounting Review, October, 889-920.
第18回 Why Earnings Matter --The Capital Markets Argument
Subramanyam, K. R., 1996, “The pricing of discretionary accruals,” Journal of Accounting and Economics 22: 249-281.
Teoh, S., T. Wong, and G. Rao, 1998, “Are Accruals During Initial Public Offerings Opportunistic?,” Review of Accounting Studies, 3, 175-208.
第19回 The Capital Markets Argument --Recent Evidence
Bartov, E., D. Givoly, and C. Hayn, 2002, The Rewards to Meeting or Beating Earnings Expectations, Journal of Accounting and Economics 33: 173-204.
Armstrong, C., G. Foster, and D. Taylor, 2009, Earnings Management Around Initial Public Offerings: A Re-Examination, working paper.