- The special issue of Management Accounting Research, 2011, Vol. 22, No. 2, especially the lead article by Barretta, A. and Busco, C. (2011) Technologies of government in public sector's networks: in search of cooperation through management control innovation, Management Accounting Research, 22, 211-219.
and the following paper from the same issue...
- Kurunmaki, L. and Miller, P. (2011) Regulatory hybrids: partnerships, budgeting and modernising government, Management Accounting Research, 22, 220-241.
... plus the following two papers:
- Modell, S., Jacobs, K. and Wiesel, F. (2007) A process (re)turn? Path dependencies, institutions and performance management in Swedish central government, Management Accounting Research, 18, 453-475.
- Wiesel, F. and Modell, S. (2012) From new public management to new public governance? Hybridization and implications for public sector consumerism, working paper, Stockholm University/Manchester Business School.